Smallsounds: Dumb Mini-Songs from 20 years ago

Hi there, dear reader.

You're seeing smallsounds in its final days in the hands of the first owner. I've gone into tentative agreeement to transfer this domain to a promising professional musician. This website will only exist for a short time - you're lucky you stumbled upon it as it was mostly static for the 20+ years that was in my hands. Go download the mp3 files linked below while you still can!

Thanks for having some fun. Hope you continue the joy in the new era.

I will make you a ringtone using my voice and a crappy musical keyboard and then post it to this website.  I request from you simply a quick topic or a name that I can use as inspiration for my micropiece.

Current mp3 highlight is entitled Jellyfish.

You will then be able to download the mp3 and copy it to your phone.
You can peruse the previously crafted masterpieces here.

Ready? Set? Let me know.